Update #41 - "Dad"

“DAD” ROBBIE UPDATE 41 - 2/5/2009

Yesterday, I heard my son say “dad” for the first time in almost two months! It was long and slow and the “d”s sounded a bit like “n”s but it was the most beautiful sound I’ve heard in a long, long time.

He had his best night of rest the night before last, sleeping from 10pm to 10:30am with only a couple of waking moments to “outpee”. He had another good day of improvement yesterday. In the pool, he was able to move his limbs fast enough to make a splash and enjoyed trying to splash his sisters who were sitting next to the pool. He had another very difficult two to three hours of “hurts all over” and itching which seems to be continued withdrawals from his meds as we try to pull some of them. We had a “prayer warrior” with us at the time and he asked us all to anoint him, pray, sing and, even in the middle of all his pain, read scripture over him. He asked for a story about Paul.


When he finally began settling down from that, he was moving around and looking great and enjoying a movie with his sisters. His Uncle Carter, whose goal is to make Robbie laugh every day, came in and began his always-successful attempts to get a laugh out of Robbie. I started encouraging Robbie to try to make the “p” sound. Why? Carter told him a few days ago that the first time he can say “pink panties”, his Uncle Carter will wear some in celebration. :-)

Robbie started trying to talk. Every time he has tried before, he would begin to try and then get so upset (because he was unable to) that he would get overwhelmed with agitation. Sometimes, just the effort of making a simples sound would cause his muscles to seize up. Well, yesterday evening was definitely a breakthrough in that. He started trying to make every sound he could think of that included the vowel and consonant sounds he was able to do: “Dad, mom, Beth, hi, yo, mamaw, oma” and so on. There wasn’t a dry eye in the room. Even our med-tech and nurse started getting teary eyed - they both said “Praise God” as well - they all know of Robbie’s faith around here. Everyone who came in to the room heard him try to say their name and started crying as well, “Oma, Opa, Becca”. We even called my mom so he could say “Mamaw”. Before leaving that evening, he hugged us and slowly and aggressively said, “Aaahh Llluuhh Oooo”. He said “I love you” to his mom, dad, and both sisters. And, of course, he continued to sign “Thank you God” throughout.

It was a sweet time even with the knowledge that there is a road ahead. We pray the road is shorter than the “experts” might have guessed . . . all to the glory of God.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your prayers.


Update #36 - Plans for V-day

A friend on Robbie's Facebook prayer group wrote this, I thought I would copy it here:

Post #1:  Natalee Howe wrote on January 27, 2009 at 9:08am:

Having 11 and 12-year-old boys, I'm aware of how something tangible is more meaningful and realistic than an abstract number or idea at this age. So, I was thinking that if LOTS of us and our children would make and send Valentines to Robbie, then he would have some concrete measure of just how many people are out there praying for him and lifting him up to our Father. Heidi said this would be a great project to encourage him at this stage in his rehab. We need to send the Valentines to her at:

Robbie Shackelford

c/o Heidi Wornock

42 Jamestown Dr.

Searcy, AR 72143

In the discussion board another asked:

Andrea G Branch (Fayetteville, AR) wroteon January 27, 2009 at 9:44am:

what are some topics of interests of Robbie's? favorites, etc. colors, characters, hobbies, books, etc...

And then his Aunt answered:

Heidi C. Wornock (Little Rock, AR) wrote23 hours ago

Robbie's interests:

airplanes (he wants to be a pilot)



Space, Stars, Planets




Star Wars


Reptiles (He wants a pet snake and likes lizards, geckos)

Anything having to do with China/Tibet

He likes "jokes & riddles"

He likes the colors orange, green, blue and black

Also, please remember NO CANDY or ANY References to food or candy.

Update #34 - I Hate this Bed

Our son has now been in a bed in a hospital for 40 days. This may explain why, the last few days, he continues to spell out “I H-A-T-E T-H-I-S B-E-D”. We have had 3 or 4 days of not seeing any improvement with him and I know he knows this as well. He has become extremely frustrated and, at some times, angry. In a desire to be transparent, I need to say that I have struggled with anger myself the last few days which is an emotion my laid-back nature never had to struggle with much.

PRAY FOR GOD TO BLESS ROBBIE WITH AT LEAST SOME SIGN OF IMPROVEMENT EACH DAY. Pray against anger and frustration and for God’s Spirit to bring a special anointing of His peace on Robbie and all of us who minister to him. Pray for garments of praise to replace a spirit of heaviness. Pray for healing.

My brother-in-law, JP Wornock, was trying to describe where we are in this process right now. He said it is like you prepared yourself for a marathon and have been running, running, running and you’ve done the 26+ miles but the finish line looks further away than when you started and there is still a lot of running to do. We are completely depleted of any strength we might have called our own and can hold on to nothing but God, though it is really Him holding on to us.

He slept very little last night, 3 1/2 hours, and several times spelled, “I H-U-R-T A-L-L O-V-E-R.” He will hopefully get his central line (IV) out today and this will enable him to do pool therapy and even get in a hot tub which I think might bring him some relief.

For those of you who have been praying for him from the start, I know it has been a marathon for you as well and we appreciate your continued faithfulness and steadfast prayers.

Grace and peace, 


Update #32 - One Thing Good

Hello to all. Each day I have a deep desire in these updates to give you some good news. I guess one thing that has been good these past few days is that he is sleeping better through the night. Other than that, in the daytime he has regressed significantly in what he is able to do and his spasms have been non-stop again and painful. PT, OT, and ST have all pulled back a lot on what they are trying to do with him because he is just in too much pain. Our son does not have one comfortable waking hour in his day - not one.

They are going to start him on some steroids again because they are concerned the swelling in his brain may be increasing again instead of decreasing. As you can imagine, we are discouraged. We still put our trust in the One Great Physician and we lay our son at his feet.


Robbie continues to be a trooper but it is wearing him down and Tanja and I are well-worn as well. My wife has been more than amazing throughout. The strength of the Lord is evident within her with everything she does for our son, for me, for those around us. 

Our daughters are up in Fayetteville this weekend and I pray that they are having a good and refreshing time with friends and their church family. 

We continue to be blessed in the knowledge that he is covered in prayer all over this world - from San Francisco to South Africa, from Tanzania to Tibet. When my father was Robbie’s age, he lived in Leede, Oklahoma. It has been a good half-century plus since then but he just got a call from the son of his barber when he was a kid. Seems a lady in Fayetteville told a friend in Bartlesville about Robbie. She e-mailed an acquaintance in Wisconsin who shared with another friend in Tulsa who was in a prayer meeting with the wife of this man who called. Amazing. May God bless the faithful prayers of those of you who have been made righteous by the blood of Jesus Christ.

- Ken

Update #29 - The Blood of Jesus

...and I need it, oh I need it, the closer that I grow,

the more I come to know

how much I need the blood of Jesus.

...when it’s all you have, it’s all you’ll ever need.

In case you have not discovered this by now, writing these updates serves as a bit of therapy for me. It helps me to process the wide ranging emotions and thoughts I have as I serve a beautiful 11-year-old son who continues to spend his days with pain, discomfort and disability. The choice for me is to either sit down and write or go into a bathroom and pound my fists into a concrete wall which won’t do anyone any good (especially not my hands and I need them to help my boy).

Writing these updates is also a somewhat selfish act. I know how busy all of our lives are. Everything, even something like what is happening with Robbie, can get shoved out of our minds by the to-do lists, schedules and agendas of our ordinary days. I am desperate for the prayers of God’s people to continue even though this ordeal has lasted so long. The only way I can think of to keep them going strong and even growing is to keep these updates coming and pray that the Father continues to use them to bring His people to His throne on Robbie’s behalf.

My favorite singer/songwriter for the past several years has been a northern Christian folk singer named Andrew Peterson. The lyrics above come from the chorus of a song on his latest album. These words are something that have continued to rhythmically pulse through my mind non-stop for weeks. The song has ministered to me even though I don’t exactly know why. I just know that I agree with it. I know I need to trust God more. I know I need to be in His Word more and read it over my son. I know I need to pray in the faith and knowledge that Christ has already accomplished healing. I know a lot of things but right now all I have the strength to know is that I and my family need the blood of Jesus.

SO TODAY I JUST ASK THAT YOU PRAY THAT THE BLOOD OF JESUS POUR OVER MY SON. I don’t know all the implications of this prayer and the depths of healing that exist in His blood, but right now I feel it is all I have, and it is more than enough for my son’s needs at this time. On a practical note, PRAY THAT HE CAN SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT. He has gone several nights with very little sleep and he has too difficult a regimen of therapy to be lacking on sleep.

Thank you for any prayer you can muster for my boy.


Update #28 - Transfer to Rehab!

Greetings to all,

It has been a bit more than a month in the hospital with Robbie now. We had a good day Sunday and a very hard day yesterday that ended well. It is a bit humorous to say “good day” or “bad day”. Since it has been less than 40 days here, I can easily say that even our “good days” would make my top-40 list of “Hardest Days of My Life”.

The good news is that we have been moved up to the Rehab wing of the hospital (room 5D7). The hard news is that he will be doing a lot more rehab. The last few days, physical therapy has literally been a torture session. It is basically this - how long can he endure excruciating pain and how long can we endure hearing him scream. They are trying to get his feet to straighten out by getting him to stand and try to walk but it is terribly painful.

PLEASE PRAY THAT HIS FEET, ANKLES, AND CALVES WILL RELAX AND STRAIGHTEN OUT SO HE CAN STAND AND WALK WITHOUT PAIN. This will allow his P.T. to be much more endurable. Pray also for endurance and perseverance. 

My sister Donna and her husband Shawn brought the girls up and we were able to go out with them for a time yesterday. His spasms got really bad through the day and then finally settled down shortly after moving to the rehab room (we moved rooms twice). We were able to take him down to the play room where they had a beautiful black lab “therapy dog” and he just sat and petted that dog for probably 15 - 20 minutes.

He is moving around extremely well today compared to the past few days and we are so blessed to see every bit of extra movement. He is drinking well, eating popsicles and pudding and we soon hope to see him eating some more substantial food.

NOTE: If there is anyone out there who has time to help my daughter compile the lists of people and church families/ministries coming into the “praying4robbie” e-mail. You would basically need a computer and internet and we’ll let you know how to log in to the g-mail account and what we are trying to do. This is something that we thought we could do in our spare time but the response has been more than we can keep up with. We have family making an album for Robbie - a testimony to the goodness of God and His great big family.

I am sitting here in Robbie’s room and he is resting. I’m watching the inauguration proceedings and, at times like these, I am always in awe of the blessings God has poured over us in this country. Even in the midst of hard economic times, we are so blessed as we experience, once again, the peaceful transfer of power. I am also reminded that this world is not our home and that we are now citizens of a worldwide Kingdom of God’s people that will last forever.

God bless you and give you peace,


Update #27 - Making it Up?

Saturday was long and hard for Robbie and especially for us. We are trying to pull back on some of the meds that make him sleepy so he can be more awake for therapy. It ended up making for a really long afternoon of lots of spasms, pain and discomfort. It is hard to see his improvements be so small that you wonder if you are making it up The improvements are also so far from where we desire for them to be.

PLEASE PRAY THAT ROBBIE IMPROVES IN SOMETHING SIGNIFICANT ENOUGH TO ENCOURAGE HIM (AND US). ...and, of course, please join us in continuing to pray for complete and quick healing. Also, pray for strength and stamina for Tanja and I. We praise the Father for continued health through this time and ask that He continue to grant us the ability to be there for our son. We are also so thankful to the many family and friends who are coming to help us and give us breaks, especially Tanja’s parents who are taking the night shift 5 or 6 days each week. Please also pray for our girls who have no spent a month without us.

Many of you have shared many scriptures with us which is always a blessing. One friend shared this and it has really spoken to me. For those of you praying for Robbie, I’d like for you to meditate on this and pray over it for Robbie:

1 Peter 4:1-2 - So, since Christ suffered in the flesh, you also arm yourselves with the same attitude, because the one who has suffered in the flesh has finished with sin, in that he spends the rest of his time on earth concerned about the will of God and not human desires.

What a blessing that God may be using this time of suffering to set Robbie up for a life of amazing purity and focus on God’s will. We pray this is so - that what Satan intends for evil, God will turn to good. God bless you all and thank you for your perseverance in prayer for our son.

Ken and Tanja

Details RE: Visitors and Gifts

Greetings to all of you. This is a hard e-mail to write but we have to do what is best for Robbie right now.

PLEASE - NO UNSCHEDULED VISITORS RIGHT NOW. (Obviously, our close family is exempt from this request)

We are so very grateful for the love and concern that is being poured out over our son, over us and over our family right now. We have had friends, friends of friends, friends of friends of friends and then sometimes people who we can’t find a connection with come by.

Our needs right now is to really simplify the traffic going in and out of our son’s room and allow our focus to be on helping him do the work he needs to get better.

Robbie deeply desires to show appreciation and love to people who come. He wants to communicate with them and this can quickly overwhelm him (as well as overwhelm us as we try to help him). Also, when people come, Tanja and I then feel the need to show appreciation, answer their many questions, pray with them, etc. But doing that takes one of us away and creates a bigger burden on the other.

We have tried to ask visitors to just come just for short periods and share love and go but this is just not working. Again, know that we appreciate you wanting to come. 

If you would like to visit, please e-mail us, tell us who might visit and when. If you do not get a reply, please do not plan to come. We want him to have some strategically planned visits that we know will bless him and not overwhelm him but we, again, just have to simplify his life right now. If you are in the area, feel free to come by his room and write a note to him on a stand outside his room. Please do not knock or be offended if we do not come out to say hi. You may see us and we may pass you by, just give you a hug and go on to do what we need to do. Again, please do not be offended. 

If you have recently visited, please do not feel that this note is directed to you. We have been blessed but are just needing to change direction right and keep his room calm and quiet.

REGARDING GIFTS: Robbie is being blessed by many, many gifts and we decided today that this is one more thing that is beginning to overwhelm him. We appreciate EVERYONE who is showing our child love in this gift giving way (I am the most guilty of this by the way). 

PLEASE, NO GIFTS OF TOYS OR FOOD FOR ROBBIE RIGHT NOW. We are trying to be very strategic with what we bring into the room. He has a great desire to play with and do all the things he did before and gets really frustrated when he can’t. Also, the room is just getting filled up with stuff. Just the effort of him trying to communicate what he wants can cause 30 minutes of frustration. His day is now full of very hard and challenging speech therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy sessions. Robbie needs to focus on their games and challenges right now.

Please don’t think that we take any of your kind deeds, efforts and gifts to us for granted. We love you all.

Ken & Tanja

Update #25 - A Warrior Spirit

My brother Robbie was a constant help during those hard first few weeks in the hospital.  He even delayed his return trip to Italy (his home) to stay and help.

My brother Robbie was a constant help during those hard first few weeks in the hospital.  He even delayed his return trip to Italy (his home) to stay and help.

Robbie’s surgery for his feeding tube went well and he is back in his room. It has been a long day of discomfort as he is coming out of general anesthesia and the pain of a “new belly-button” and central line in place of an IV. Hopefully the coming days will begin improving. 

My father in Searcy was walking out to get his newspaper this morning and had a lady pull over into his driveway. He did not know her but she had just dropped her son off at a nearby elementary and saw Dad. She asked, “Are you the grandfather of the boy at Arkansas Children’s?” After he said yes, she told him that she and her family had been praying for him and said, “We were praying as a family for him last night and after we prayed my boy, who has a birthday coming up, said, ‘Mom, do you think we could ask everyone coming to my party to bring money instead of gifts so we could give money to Robbie’s family?’”

When we told that story to Robbie, he began crying and wrote out “God bless him”.

Yes, God bless you all.


Update #24 - Surgery & Birthday Blessings

Robbie’s surgery for his feeding tube went well and he is back in his room. It has been a long day of discomfort as he is coming out of general anesthesia and the pain of a “new belly-button” and central line in place of an IV. Hopefully the coming days will begin improving. 

My father in Searcy was walking out to get his newspaper this morning and had a lady pull over into his driveway. He did not know her but she had just dropped her son off at a nearby elementary and saw Dad. She asked, “Are you the grandfather of the boy at Arkansas Children’s?” After he said yes, she told him that she and her family had been praying for him and said, “We were praying as a family for him last night and after we prayed my boy, who has a birthday coming up, said, ‘Mom, do you think we could ask everyone coming to my party to bring money instead of gifts so we could give money to Robbie’s family?’”

When we told that story to Robbie, he began crying and wrote out “God bless him”.

Yes, God bless you all.


Update #23 - Loving Hugs

This is as far "up" as he can pull his feet.

This is as far "up" as he can pull his feet.

It has been a relatively decent day with Robbie. He had a better night last night and made it through the day without any major difficulties. It was a full day of muscle spasms in his arms and legs that caused continual discomfort but nothing so bad as to cause him to scream. It takes two of us and often 3 or 4 just to be there while he is awake to rub his ankle, foot, calf, bicep, shoulder, hands, fingers, forearms or wherever the next cramp hits. 

Our boy has had an absolutely amazing attitude throughout the day. His day is so hard but he is doing everything possible to bless those who are around him. He’s hugging his doctors, nurses, family, and friends. He signs “I love you” and “thank you” throughout the day, often during one of his spasms. 

He really worked hard during speech therapy today and we are happy to say he was able to drink some without “dribbling” and even ate two small bites of pudding. Eating was a challenge as he is still unable to move the food to the back of his mouth well but he worked SO HARD at it. His spasms kept him from PT and OT today.

He had a very painful botox injection in his calves which caused much crying and many tears. These injections, in 2 to 3 days, should help relieve the pain in his cramped-up feet and ankles and, in 3 - 5 days, should allow his feet to relax so that his heel can touch the ground when he tries to stand. This is something our rehab team asked for as they have been unable, during physical therapy, to get his feet to flatten out.


He will be having a feeding tube surgically connected to his stomach tomorrow and will be undergoing general anesthesia for it. This will, in the long run, make things easier for his recovery and rehab and possibly allow him to go home sooner. The next day or two will be tough though, so we ask for your prayers for strength.

We are in our little apartment and allowed our brains to veg-out on a bit of silliness as we watched part of American Idol. We are exhausted and are quickly heading to bed.

We love you all and continue to praise God for His big family who are supporting us.

Grace and peace,
